Total amount subject to Khums $0
Khums Due $0
Sahm al Imam to be paid $0
Sahm al Sada to be paid $0
– (Quran 2:274)
Since 2006, your support has enabled us to build a grassroots community in Iraq that serves over 150,000 orphaned children. Because we believe in empowering orphaned children in need wherever they may be, we have started working on the ground in other countries to reach even more orphaned children in need.
Our operations to serve orphaned children are now underway in Ghana– we are on the ground in Accra, ready to deliver aid.
We are working hard to build sustainable, effective and dignified services, and there are many ways that you can support our various causes across the globe. We will update you as we expand further in to other countries across Africa and elsewhere.
Children in Ghana face a growing inequality gap; approximately one in four children are living in poverty. Our teams are on the ground and delivering aid to empower orphaned children and lift them out of poverty. You can help rebuild their lives today.
Our Africa Fund will go towards providing financial assistance, food, clothing, accommodation and other needs for orphaned children. 100% of your giving will be spent on those in need.